February 1: Education Contest deadline for entries to Local Court Chairperson
February 14: St. Valentine's Day
February 16 : JCDA Sunday
May 1: Deadline for Financial Review submissions
May 1: National Day of Prayer
May 10,11,12: One Million Rosaries for the Unborn
May 15: Campus Court Scholarship Deadline May 26 Memorial Day
May 29: Ascension of Jesus
June 8: Pentecost June 15 Trinity Sunday
June 18: CDA Instituted in 1903 June 19: Feast of Corpus Christi June 27 Sacred Heart of Jesus
October 5: Respect Life Sunday
October 19: CDA Sunday
October 26-November 2: White Ribbons Against Pornography (WRAP) Week
October 26: Make a Difference Day