• Local and state courts are allowed to use PayPal and Venmo to receive funds deposited into local or state court bank accounts.
• PayPal and Venmo may not be used by local or state courts to make purchases.
• Credit or debit cards associated with PayPal and Venmo are not allowed. Please contact the National Regent with any questions
Procedures for setting up a Venmo or PayPal Account:
In order to remain within in the guidelines of our 503c Status, please use the following guidelines:
1. The name on the account must be in the name of the Court including the # of the Court as a Charity Account.. You may not open a Personal Account in a member’s name.
2. You must open as a Charity Account. The non-profit ID of your Court must be used to open the Account. The monies must be transferred into your Court bank account at least once a month. No personal bank accounts may be associated with this account. You will not be charged taxes because your ID is for a Non-profit Charity. You will have to pay the minimal fees associated with any transaction. Your Court needs to vote on whether the person donating or paying dues will pay the fee or if the fee will be absorbed by the Court.
3. The Money that is collected in either account must be deposited into your Court Bank Account on a regular basis. There must be a printed Venmo or Paypal report for each month that matches the monthly income (even if there are no transactions) that must match the transfers as shown on the bank statement. for Example: On the twentieth of every month, the financial secretary transfers the money from the account to be deposited in the bank and gets a spreadsheet with the donations. She should then write receipts to the treasurer with the amount and the name of the person paying dues or donating. In the notes, write that it is a Venmo or PayPal transaction. The treasurer must write a receipt to any member paying dues. The treasurer doesn’t have to write a receipt for Monies raised at a fundraiser