Does the prospect of a deep merging of spirituality and service resonate within your heart?
Are you perhaps looking for a way to help the less fortunate in your community or wondering how you can help people in your area who have experienced tragedy?
Maybe you’d like to take a more active role in your parish, community, city or town but aren’t sure exactly how to do it?
What about sharing “woman time” with other Catholic women: at CDA meetings, within your parish, during Mass and in shared activity helping others? (And having fun together, as the Catholic Daughters in the picture below share a pleasant "Fashion Event"
If you answered “yes” to any of the above, joining the Catholic Daughters of the Americas might be the thing for you to do. Being a Catholic Daughter is a wonderful gift from God. Through CDA you are able to share your talents and gifts and work with other Catholic women who share faith and similar values.
In addition to opportunities at the local and national level for fellowship with other Catholic Daughters who pursue our mission of faith working through love in the promotion of justice, equality, and the advancement of human rights and dignity for all, members experience – deeply -- opportunities to give and receive.
By giving of your time, talent, ideas, knowledge, dedication, and enthusiasm, you'll receive spiritual enrichment, leadership skills, affirmation, community, broadened horizons, and a marked sense of accomplishment.
If you know of a local court in your area, reach out to Membership Chairman Susan Hicks [email protected] about how to join. If there is no court nearby, start one! Susan can explain how to do that, too.
Below is a lovely photo album that shows the many ways courts can become involved in local activities within their parish and community. It was prepared by Court Our Lady of the Seas #2662, San Antonio, Texas.